In July, RTD庆祝最重要和最具影响力的立法之一通过60周年, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 这项具有里程碑意义的法律的通过是美国历史上的一个转折点, 标志着在消除歧视和促进所有公民平等方面迈出了决定性的一步. Its profound impact extends across various sectors, including transportation equity, 确保所有人都有平等的机会乘坐公共交通工具及其提供的机会.
The Path to the Civil Rights Act
For decades after Reconstruction, the U.S. Congress did not pass a single civil rights act. Finally, in 1957, 它在司法部设立了一个民权科,并成立了一个民权委员会来调查歧视情况. 这是一项具有历史意义的立法,因为它结束了国会四分之三个世纪的无所作为,开启了民权改革的时代. Despite these early steps, substantial progress was slow. When President John F. Kennedy 在1961年入主白宫时,他最初推迟了支持新的反歧视措施. However, there were many civil rights leaders and widespread nonviolent protests throughout the civil rights movement in the 1960s that spurred Kennedy to action. In June 1963, Kennedy proposed the most comprehensive civil rights legislation, 声明美国“在所有公民都获得自由之前不会完全自由”." The bill faced significant opposition, particularly from southern Democrats, but after intense debates and a historic filibuster, it passed with bipartisan support. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it into law on July 2, 1964.
Honoring a Legacy of Equity and Inclusion
RTD很自豪能成为一个重视多样性、公平和尊重的机构. RTD努力确保没有人——无论是员工还是客户——因种族而受到歧视, color, national origin or any other characteristic protected by law. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, 该机构认识到持续需要推进这些原则,并继续致力于在其服务的组织和社区内部署公平的做法.
Commemorating the Milestone
To honor this milestone, RTD邀请社会各界参加即将举行的纪念活动,其中包括特别展示纪念民权法案60周年的巴士包装设计,并宣布巴士设计比赛的获胜者. Please RSVP by July 16 to attend. Registration includes submitting a song to be featured at the event, and attendees will receive a commemorative mixtape.
60 Years of Civil Rights: A Community Mixtape Celebration: Hosted from noon to 3 p.m. 7月20日,在第14街908号艾丽·考尔金斯歌剧院的工作室阁楼.这个活动将包括音乐、美食、口语、诗人和社区活动. It is being presented in collaboration with Denver NAACP, ACLU Colorado, One Colorado, Colorado Asian Pacific United, Servicios de La Raza, Atlantis Community, Inc. and other valuable community partners. 这次活动旨在向勇敢的立法表示敬意,并尊重地方和全国社会正义运动的交叉性.
Engage with Community Partners: Learn more about RTD’s community partners, 每一个都在促进公民权利和社会正义方面发挥着至关重要的作用:
- Denver NAACP: Founded on Feb. 12, 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, 最大和最广泛认可的基层民权组织.
- ACLU Colorado: 科罗拉多州的美国公民自由联盟是该州历史最悠久、规模最大的民权组织.
- Servicios de La Raza1972年由科罗拉多州奇卡诺人/奇卡纳人民权运动的社区活动家创立, providing mental health services for the Spanish-speaking community.
- One Colorado: 本州领先的倡导组织致力于促进女同性恋者的平等地位, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) Coloradans and their families.
- Colorado Asian Pacific United: A progressive nonprofit with a social justice commitment, striving to advance racial diversity, equity and inclusivity through community collaboration, celebration and education.
- Atlantis Community, Inc: "We will ride!——19人帮——丹佛残疾人权利运动的起源.
- Warm Cookies of the Revolution: The world's first Civic Health Club, created in 2012, 社区成员在哪里以参与和参与的方式参与公民问题.
RTD Civil Rights Division's Role in Advancing Equity
The RTD Civil Rights Division 作为维护RTD员工和客户的公民权利的基石. 通过跨机构部门和不同社区伙伴的合作, we proactively ensure fairness, inclusion and equal opportunities in all facets of our operations. The Civil Rights Division houses four specialized offices: Americans with Disabilities Act Office, Small Business Opportunity Office, Equal Employment Opportunity Office and Transit Equity Office.
RTD's Commitment to Transportation Equity
RTD不断展示其对运输公平的承诺. 以下是由RTD员工领导并得到无数社区伙伴支持的重要举措和里程碑:
Systemwide Fare Study and Equity Analysis: RTD recently implemented a simpler, 通过全面的票价研究,使票价结构更合理、更公平, reducing costs for adults and qualifying more customers for discounted fare. The LiVE income-based fare program, streamlined pass programs, Transit Assistance Grant program and Zero Fare for Youth pilot program further enhance equity and accessibility.
Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Policy (eTOD):这项政策促进在高频交通走廊附近的研发公司拥有的土地上开发经济适用房. 在这项政策下,一个显著的成就是预计在2024年夏天在RTD的停车场破土动工62套经济适用房 29th and Welton Streets in Denver. To date, RTD has partnered with developers to build 1,463 housing units, of which 236 (approximately 16%) are affordable. The eTOD Policy aims to increase this percentage to 35%. Current discussions with developers at Central Park Station PnR and other locations indicate that this goal is within reach.
Bus Stop Infrastructure Accessibility Assessment: Starting in summer 2024, RTD会进行全面评估,确保所有巴士站的安全, clean and accessible, aiming to set new standards for future improvements.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program: RTD has allocated 12.2% of its contracts, totaling $184 million, to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise/Small Business Enterprise firms.
Language Access Plan (LAP): RTD的使命是通过联系让生活更美好,语言获取是其内在的使命. Since 2022, RTD积极扩展其语言访问工作,以确保我们语言多样化的客户能够到达他们居住的地方, 在没有语言障碍的情况下工作和娱乐.
Partnership Program: Established in 2023, RTD的合作伙伴计划支持社区设计的交通试点, 以公平的聘用和评估程序,加强本地人员的流动.
National Vote Early Day and General Election Day: In 2022, RTD provided free services to encourage voter turnout, 与科罗拉多州州务卿办公室合作,为RTD地区的选民消除障碍.
Community Engagement: RTD prioritizes community connections through extensive engagement, participating in 142 events to date, engaging over 1,000 community members across the Denver Metro area.
Continuing the Journey Toward Equity
Honoring the Civil Rights Act of 1964, RTD remains dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in transportation and society at large, 承认当前面临的挑战,致力于打造包容的未来